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Data Handling Information

About This Document

The following document describes what user data are stored, how long they are stored and how can they be removed in case user decides to close their account. Additionally describes way how user can close their account.

Any questions or issues can be reported to support@popupmkt.com

Account Cancellation - Web Interface

User's account (either buyer or vendor) can be cancelled through the web interface. To cancel an account, user has to log in into the web interface for Pop Up Mkt and click on his profile image. From the sub-menu select Manage Account. On the Manage Account screen click the button for account cancellation. This is displayed on following image figures:

Manage Account
Account Cancellation

Once account cancellation starts - user is prompt to give reason (at this point it is still possible to cancel the request to cancel an account).

Data Notice: Keep in mind that once account cancellation process starts, your data will be deleted from the application (this will include any images you have uploaded). You will not be able to use your account anymore, without registering again. If the account cancellation was not intentional, but accidental - please contact us at support@popupmkt.com

Vendor Account

When cancelling a vendor account, it is possible to close just the vendor account, while keeping your user's account. This will terminate vendor's subscription at the end of your billing period.

Data Notice: When vendor account is cancelled (together with buyer account deletion), some of the data will be retained. This includes data required for accounting and billing.


Any questions or issues can be reported to support@popupmkt.com

Account Cancellation - Application

User account (either buyer or vendor) can be cancelled through the application (either Android or iOS). By going into Application Settings, then into User's Profile there is a Cancel Account button. The cancellation works in same way as in case of Web application.

For buyer account, the cancellation will close the account and remove the data. For vendor account user can decide to either only close vendor account, or both - vendor account and associated user account. The following images demostrate where to find account cancellation:

Application Settings
Users Settings
User Account Cancellation

Once account cancellation starts - user is prompt to give reason (at this point it is still possible to cancel the request to cancel an account). Cancel button on the screen will begin account cancellation process.

Data Notice: Keep in mind that once account cancellation process starts, your data will be deleted from the application (this will include any images you have uploaded). You will not be able to use your account anymore, without registering again. If the account cancellation was not intentional, but accidental - please contact us at support@popupmkt.com

Vendor Account

When cancelling a vendor account, it is possible to close just the vendor account, while keeping your user's account. This will terminate vendor's subscription at the end of your billing period.

Data Notice: When vendor account is cancelled (together with buyer account deletion), some of the data will be retained. This includes data required for accounting and billing.


Any questions or issues can be reported to support@popupmkt.com

Pop Up Mkt Information

The Pop Up Mkt Mission: To ignite opportunity by connecting local vendors and buyers in-person, anywhere, and anytime.

Support: support@popupmkt.com

Questions: admin@popupmkt.com